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  • B2C Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Email Marketing Strategy
  • Email Services
  • Klaviyo
  • Marketing


  • Email Marketing

    $15/hr Starting at $40 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Many happen to believe that EMAIL MARKETING is dead however it still has the potential to generate up to 50% of store revenue and who doesn't like MORE MONEY pouring in therefore with my potential of...

    B2C MarketingEmail MarketingEmail Marketing StrategyEmail ServicesKlaviyo


A creative marketer with an eye in the future

Are you looking to Boost Sales of your current store…? Are you struggling with your Store…? Just because you are somewhere on the wrong path to market your products…

I can understand when you invest $$$( MONEY) in your store , and your ROI is not ticking...RIGHT!

How does it feel?

It feels bad...indeed, it feels worse!

What Can I do to GET YOU MORE SALES?

I will develop a new MARKETING STRATEGY on your store in a short period.

You want to inject more money into your store, but you want Highest rewards. Right!
One more Amazing Secret to Boosting your sales by 10x
*Segmenting your audience and targeting them accordingly*

⚫ Product has its unique selling proposition (USP). If you can converse your product’s USP to your target market, the more likely you can stand out and sell more with high ROI

Now you know the WORTH of email marketing and its importance that can completely divert your reliance from paid traffic and double your sales

Hello, My name is Sameer Faisal and have helped many brands overcome their dilemma of low sales
Shoot up your sales to 10x through devising new unique strategies

What if i tell you for a moment to shoot your shot with me
We all need at least one chance to excel the task... and i will make sure to Bring YOU 10x MORE SALES
If you want to invest in email marketing RIGHT NOW with me

What You’ll get….
⚫Pre Purchase flows for eg WELCOME FLOW
⚫ Post Purchase Flows for eg Cross sell flows
⚫ Email Copywriting
⚫ High quality campaigns
Why Choose Me?

Well, I am not the biggest fish in the sea...I am the fastest fish... and the truth is the fastest fish survive.

I am a mediocre guy...not even special than other're about to interview or want to hire... neither I have a megapower...

But I have ONE thing that will keep you astonished… (You maybe wondering what)

And that one thing usual in all to achieve results

That is...


Tools I use:

Email marketing: Klaviyo

Work Terms

Open to work

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