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Profile Stats

Profile Stats provide insights on how your Profile is performing on Guru by giving you information on your Profile views and job conversions.

Profile Views

This shows the total number of views on your Profile in the last 30 days, last 365 days, or all time.

Profile Conversions

These metrics indicate how Employers have engaged with your Profile.

  1. Contact Button Clicks: Total number of times Employers have clicked on “Get a Quote” button.
  2. Messages Received: Total number of messages that you have received from Employers.
  3. Job Invites Received: Total invitations received from Employers to send Quotes for their jobs.
  4. Personal Website Clicks: Total clicks on your website link.

The above metrics can help you assess the effectiveness of your Profile and identify the optimizations required to increase conversions.

Service Overview

Service overview helps in evaluating the contribution of each service, listed in your Profile, towards attracting Employers and winning jobs. We display the number of times a service has been viewed and led a potential Employer to contact you through a message, a re-hire or an invitation to send a Quote.

Portfolio Overview

This indicates views and comments the work collection has received.

Total Marketing Score

This indicates your overall business performance basis three metrics: Customer Acquisition (CAR), Customer Earning (CER) and Customer Retention Rates (CRR). This score can help you measure your business success and your ability to acquire new customers, earn money from them and retain them over time.

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