Feedback is an overall rating (in percentage), that indicates the success of your working relationship with users on Guru. A higher rating indicates that others have had an overall positive experience working with you on Guru.
Receiving Feedback
A Freelancer’s Feedback Score indicates how well they have worked with Employers on Guru. Employers factor in the Feedback Score while assessing your suitability for their job. Your Feedback Score can be seen along with your screen name during the various stages of the hiring process such as on Find Freelancer tool, the Quotes you send and your Profile page.

Feedback is given in terms of Employers’ satisfaction of working with you (satisfied/not satisfied). An Employer can give feedback only after they pay an invoice. They must provide feedback within 60 days of paying an invoice, else feedback is set to “Satisfied” automatically.
The value of the invoice determines the impact of a single feedback (Satisfied or Not Satisfied) on your overall Feedback Score.
Your overall Feedback Score is calculated as weighted average of all feedback received by invoice value in the last 12 months and expressed as a percentage.
It is calculated using the following formula:

Giving Feedback
You can also give feedback to Employers and let other Freelancers know about the experience you had with the Employer.
Feedback is given in terms of your satisfaction of working with that Employer (satisfied or not satisfied).
Feedback for the Employer can only be left after you’ve had a successful transaction with the Employer and must be left within 60 days of being paid, else it is set to “Satisfied” automatically.
- All feedback is reviewed and documented by our Support Team to ensure transparency and fairness. We do not post negative comments publicly, but follow up with both parties if any action is required.