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Hire AngularJS Developers for Your Angular Development Project

AngularJS is an online tool used for easy and rapid development of high-end web and mobile applications. The Angular framework offers several features and solutions, including integration of the MVC architecture, and helps developers create a unique interface in a short period of time. AngularJS boasts a number of advanced features such as modularity, personalized directives, SPA-oriented features, and two-way data binding. These provide an edge over other web and mobile application development tools in creating user-friendly interfaces. It also has a very strong community of users who can help you with any doubts or questions you may have about your Angular project.

What Do Angular Developers Do?

Angular Developers help develop HTML-5 based front-end web and mobile applications using the AngularJS framework. Apart from applications, they also develop content management tools, ecommerce sites, and hybrid applications. The integration of the MVC architecture in the framework particularly helps developers in testing codes and providing quality-based development solutions for your requirements. AngularJS, an open-source, JavaScript framework, ensures that the interface is more dynamic, customizable, personalized, and user-friendly. Angular is often the tool of choice for most application developers. Apart from building applications, you can hire Angular developers to develop APIs and integrate them into various software applications. If your application has been built on another platform, it can easily be migrated to AngularJS by them. In the long term, hiring top angular developers can provide support and maintenance services for your application developed in AngularJS.

Attributes to Consider When You Hire an Angular Software Developer

If you are looking to hire an Angular developer or an Angular 2 developer for your application development needs, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • Strong expertise in AngularJS web development and can efficiently conceptualize and develop high-end applications using the platform.

  • Essential coding skills and can test, maintain, and reuse their codes across various web and mobile applications.

  • Experience building and scaling customized solutions and can develop tailor-made applications for your website as well as ecommerce platforms.

Qualifications for a Freelance Angular Developer 

It is ideal that your freelance AngularJS developers have the skills necessary to complete your project. Before hiring Angular developers, make sure they meet the following qualifications:

  • A strong educational background in programming web and mobile applications, with particular expertise in AngularJS and its various versions.

  • Experience in the development of several applications with the help of AngularJS and demonstrated capabilities of leveraging all the features of the angular framework to develop simplistic, elegant, and user-friendly applications.

  • A deep understanding of the platform including an understanding of the migration process of other applications into AngularJS and the ability to provide support and maintenance of applications over a long-term period.

Questions to Ask When You Hire Angular Developers

When you hire angular developers, ask about their training in Angular JS, any previous experience they have as a software developer, and their work ethic and ability to be self-motivated. Asking the right questions will help ensure that you hire an Angular developer who is the proper fit for your job.

On Guru, you will also have a full profile view of each freelance Angular developer, which can help you learn about their experience with programming and their credibility as an AngularJS developer before you make a hiring decision.

Benefits of Hiring a Freelance AngularJS Developer Expert

There are several benefits of hiring dedicated Angular developers. A developer can help you complete projects that use Angular programming, troubleshoot and resolve problems with your current Angular programs, and identify areas of growth.  AngularJS programmers can save you time, money, and effort with their expertise.

If you are looking to hire an AngularJS developer or an Angular 2 developer for providing customized development solutions for your business, you can opt for online freelance services provided by several certified professionals in this domain. A lot of Angular developers offer their services here on Guru and You can connect with and hire Angular programmers to help complete your project successfully.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on Guru. It is a shared account funded by the employer before the Angular developers start their work. Once the SafePay is funded, employers can feel secure that payment can be released once they are satisfied with the work.

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