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Hire Node.js Developers

Node.js is an open-source environment for writing JavaScript codes for web pages and applications outside the browser. It is popular because of its ability to use a single programming language, Java, for writing codes for all components of a web page. It uses event-driven programming to create fast web servers. Web developers specializing in the use of the Node.js platform find it easy to develop back-end components of web pages and applications. Node.js developers also connect the application with other web services and integrate front-end components with the Node.js system. If you are looking for Node.js web development services for your web development projects, you can hire a Node.js developer offering online freelance services.

What Do Freelance Node.js Developers Do?

Node.js developers write codes for server-side web applications using JavaScript in the Node.js environment. These codes are testable, reusable, and efficient for the smooth functioning of the web application. They also manage the exchange of data between the server and the users. They ensure that the integration of the front-end components happens smoothly in the Node.js system. This helps in the integration of all components in a single run-time environment. The applications developed by Node.js developers are high performing, high availability, and low latency products, made possible by the unique features of Node.js. People who provide Node.js web development services also maintain and manage data. Freelance Node.js developers are responsible for data storage, data sorting, restoring, backup, and vulnerability checks for all web applications. As this data is often vulnerable to cyber attacks, Node.js developers take care of security and data protection as well. They are capable of handling technical issues that arise with the system and resolving code issues to ensure that web services do not get disrupted.

If you have web development projects for which you require Node.js developers, you can hire a Node.js developer from any of the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru. However, before you hire a developer, you need to ensure that your freelance Node.js developer has:

  • Familiarity with the Node.js environment, JavaScript, front-end and back-end technologies, and security compliance.

  • Knowledge and expertise in web development and creation of dynamic and responsive web pages.

  • Several years of experience in working as a Node.js developer for various clients.

Qualifications of Freelance Node.js Developers

It is ideal that your freelance Node.js developer has the following skills:

  • Professional education and training in computer science, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and AngularJS

  • Ability to handle technical issues arising in the Node.js environment

  • Extensive portfolio of several websites and web applications developed using Node.js

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Node.js Developers

If you require a Node.js developer for your personal or business software development projects, you can easily hire a freelancer online on Guru. These freelancers are professionals who are adept at their work and they have a lot of experience working on different types of development projects. Their accumulated knowledge and expertise enable the developers to do justice to all their Node.js development projects.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the employer before the developer starts work. Once the SafePay account is funded and employers are satisfied with the work, they can make a secure payment to their developer.

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