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Hire Freelance Catalog Managers

Catalog management is a process where products are organized in a way that ensures consistent and high-quality data across all sales channels. Product names, descriptions, hierarchy, price, supplier and other related details are provided in an online catalog. For customers to be directed to the right product it is imperative that within categories, granular details like color, style, pattern, neckline, sleeve, length and fit need to be accurate. Product tagging is used to create catalogs based on various attributes used to classify and group products. Being consistent, SEO ready and descriptive of these tags is important.

What a Catalog Manager Does?

Ecommerce catalog managers can fully customize and manage such multiple product catalogs to provide a satisfying experience to the customers. They can customize product catalogs designed by the catalog designers as per the requirement. Ecommerce companies must inevitably hire the services of a dedicated catalog manager for the following reasons:

  • Catalog management is a complicated service, which needs to be handled very efficiently.

  • Catalog managers are capable of beginning to end catalog management.

  • Effective catalog management is helpful in boosting sales.

  • Through effective management of ecommerce catalogs, product information can be easily managed.

  • Dedicated managers can help market your products effectively, by sharing the catalogs across ecommerce websites.

  • They can help to map or help in mapping many ecommerce stores to one or multiple URLs.

  • The wide range of services they provide include customizing the pricing, promotions, templates and themes along with shipping and payment options.

  • They can customize the catalog search option to help customers search for specific categories and relevant products easily.

  • They can also help in making catalogs more user-friendly with impressive designs.

If you wish to hire a catalog manager for your company, you can connect with freelance catalog managers available on any online freelance website, like Guru.

Qualifications of a Catalog Manager

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Bachelors’ degree in Computer Science or Business

  • Ability to manage and troubleshoot technical and business integration projects

  • Strong process definition and optimization skills

  • Experience with advertising, e-commerce, retail or media

Benefits of Freelance Catalog Managers

  • Dedicated ecommerce catalog managers can help you to set up, maintain and frequently update your product database, with the most up to date information.

  • By providing real-time information regarding the products to the customers they can help reduce the conversion time for your products.

Several catalog managers offer online services on some of the best websites to hire freelancers, like Guru. These professionals have the experience of working with a variety of clients, helping them expand their business in E-commerce.

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update feature helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable hours and invoices.

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