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Find Freelance Nest.js Developers for Your Projects

The primary responsibilities of a Nest.js developer can include designing the application's architecture, writing clean and efficient code, managing API endpoints, handling server logic, and integrating with databases and other services. They also play a critical role in building microservices and real-time data applications, making Nest.js developers adaptable to a multitude of business needs.

  • JavaScript Proficiency: A deep understanding of JavaScript is fundamental, given that Node.js is the underlying platform of Nest.js.

  • Understanding of RESTful APIs: Since a primary use-case of Nest.js is creating APIs, a developer should be well-versed in RESTful design principles.

  • Security Principles: A Nest.js developer should be able to implement and understand the various approaches to security, protecting against common web vulnerabilities.

  • Unit Testing Skills: The ability to write comprehensive unit tests ensures that their solutions are robust and reliable.

  • Database Management: Proficiency in working with databases — especially NoSQL and SQL databases — is a must, as it's integral to any back-end development.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Nest.js Developer?

Understanding the typical hourly rate of a Nest.js developer can help you budget for your project appropriately. The hourly rate of a Nest.js developer can vary significantly based on experience, location, and the project's complexity.

Junior developers just entering the field or new to Nest.js might charge $40 to $60 per hour. Meanwhile, mid-level developers with a few years of experience might ask for $60 to $100 per hour. For senior or lead developers, hourly rates can range from $100 to $150 or more.

Location plays a significant role in developers' rates, with tech hubs and metropolitan areas often commanding higher fees. Additionally, market demand for Nest.js expertise can inflate rates as well.

Simple projects that require a developer to set up basic server-side functionalities and APIs will naturally cost less. More complex projects, such as those needing robust state management, real-time components, or extensive microservice architecture, will raise the hourly rate.

How to Hire a Nest.js Developers on Guru

On Guru, businesses can connect with skilled Nest.js developers across the globe. To start your hiring process, create a free account and post a job. Add details such as the job title and a clear description of the work. Be specific about the skills you need. Define your payment terms and list any location preferences. Submit your job, and receive quotes from freelancers within hours. Review and analyze the freelancers' quotes along with their ratings, feedback, previous projects, skills, experience, and certifications. Send a message to those freelancers who best suit your needs, then select the right person for the job. Pay the freelancer(s) for the completed work through Guru.com's secure payment system, SafePay, and leave feedback on the freelancer. 

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