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How Regression Testing Professionals Can Help You

Regression testing is the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure that the older programming still works with the new changes. Changes include software enhancements, patches, and configuration changes. Regression testing is normal to the program development process and sometimes new software bugs or regressions may be uncovered. Some regression testing techniques are Retest All, Regression Test Selection, Test Case Prioritization, or a hybrid of two techniques. Not only is the correctness of the program tested, but the quality of its output is tracked. Typically, regression testing is done be automation tools, however, database applications require a great deal of manual effort. is your best source for obtaining quality, hard-working freelancers for hire who have experience in regression testing. When you are about to make any additions or changes to your computer program, ensuring your previous programs will still have all of its capabilities is extremely important. Let our freelancers do the work for you. Using tools such as Winrunner, AdventNet QEngine, Regression Tester, Selenium, QTP, and many others, they can plan, design, test, and report any adverse effects to your programming. For all of your regression testing or any testing needs, it is good to have the incredible freelancers at

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