I love working on challenging visualization designs. Data Visualization is very important for getting valuable insights to support further business decisions. My main goal as a Data Analyst is to provide business with useful data insights to help develop their business. I use different tools and methods to efficiently analyse data from different sources and discover useful patterns for further business decisions. Machine learning is one of the methods I use to discover the data insights.
I have 5 years of experience in following skills:
- Javascript, Python, PHP
- d3.js, HighCharts, ECharts, AmCharts, Leaflet
- Deck.gl, Map, Mapbox, Google map
- React.js, Vue.js, Angular2+
- Sisense, Power BI, Tableau, Excel, Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Periscope Data, Google Spreadsheets
- BigQuery, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Impala
- RapidMiner, KNIME, Orange, Weka, Trifacta, H2O
Feel free to approach me when it comes to Data Visualization and Data Analytics - would be happy to help.