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How Much Does It Cost to Make a Roblox Game?

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Although Roblox is a popular gaming app that creates many exciting experiences, it requires a special set of skills to develop high-quality games on the platform. So, even as you think about the overall cost of your project, you need to learn how to hire a developer on Roblox. Luckily, Guru—a leading freelance job site—has a vast pool of qualified and experienced Roblox developers for hire who can create successful Roblox games for you.

How Much Will a Roblox Game Cost to Develop?

On average, a Roblox developer can earn $0.29 per each in-experience dollar spent building experiences on the platform. The good thing about Roblox is that you’ll only incur expenses when you start to earn from the games you create.

In the US, Roblox developers earn an average of about $42.50 per hour and around $88,400 a year. This means that you’re likely to pay your Roblox game developers an average of $1,700 a week.

In some parts of the US, Roblox game developers earn as much as around $160,500, while others earn as low as $23,000. Most of their salaries range between $35,500 and $123,500. Top-earning Roblox developers typically make $144,500 per year.

However, the cost of hiring a Roblox game developer will depend on several key factors beyond location, including their level of skill and experience, the scope of work, and the type of Roblox game you want to develop.

What Determines the Cost of Developing a Roblox Game?

The cost of your game development project depends on several key factors. These factors will guide you through the cost estimation and interviewing processes:

Type of Roblox Developer You Hire

There are various types of Roblox developers, which means that you need to be aware of the kinds of Roblox developers available and how each of them affects the overall cost of your project. 

For instance, you can hire a freelance developer to work on your Roblox game remotely. Hiring freelancers will help you to cut down the cost of facilitating the project because you don’t need to pay office overheads, benefits, and other expenses related to working from the office. Furthermore, many freelancers charge less for their services because they enjoy the flexibility in their work schedules.

Location of the Roblox Developers

Guru has many qualified and experienced freelance Roblox programmers who can work on your project from anywhere around the globe. There are many benefits of hiring freelancers from different parts of the world–for one, it gives you a wide variety of options to work with and a chance to potentially reduce the overall cost of the project, as freelancers living in areas with lower costs of living will charge less.

Expertise and Experience of the Developer

Roblox is a fairly innovative platform that allows gaming enthusiasts to develop games, play, earn money, and socialize with other users. The Roblox gaming community has developed thousands of games.

This means that your game will face fierce competition. So, to achieve its intended purpose, your game must meet a certain threshold, which can only be attained by developers who have the required skills and experience.

Of course, qualified and experienced Roblox developers typically charge more for their services. The tradeoff, though, is that they will guarantee you a premium value for that premium price.

Type of Roblox Game

If you’re planning to develop a complex Roblox game with unique features and functionalities, expect to pay more. Most freelance developers base their flat-rate charges on the hours they’re likely to spend working on a project.

If your game demands more labor hours, it will likely cost more. It’s worth it to ensure that your Roblox game has all the necessary features and functionalities, no matter how much they cost to create.

In a Nutshell

Creating a unique and exciting game on Roblox’s platform is no easy feat. Luckily, Guru can connect you with skilled developers to make your dream a reality! Peruse our extensive portfolio of available freelancers to find your perfect fit, and watch your dream Roblox game come to life!

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