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Why Is Ruby on Rails Important?

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Ruby on Rails is an app development framework used by around 380,000 global websites and 200,000 unique domains. It’s hugely popular with startups and freelance Ruby on Rails developers looking to build intuitive apps in minimal time.

So, what is Ruby on the Rails used for? The MVC (Model-View-Controller) format makes it simple to create eCommerce stores, SaaS products, Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and social networking sites, including advertising and dating platforms.

What Is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails is the framework, using the Ruby programming language to build web apps with a user-friendly syntax and countless options within 60,000 libraries. The free-format language means a developer can write code starting on any line or column they wish and leverage features, such as a smart garbage collector, case-sensitive formatting, and portable tools.

Why is Ruby on Rails important? Some 18 years after its release, it is still relevant because Rails provides an agile, high-speed way to build apps and websites and program them from the server-side.

Why Use Ruby on Rails for My App?

Ruby on Rails hit the developer world in 2004 (Ruby, the programming language, was released a year earlier).  It influenced the way we build apps, pioneering a fresh approach that changed the game:

  • Rails introduced the software design paradigm called “convention over configuration”–incorporating boilerplate code to allow developers to focus on customization rather than replicating standard code a million times over.
  • It popularized the MVC pattern and a range of other development best practices, including the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle.
  • Ruby on Rails removes a host of the laborious, repetitive tasks previously part and parcel of app development, which means developers have greater autonomy to finesse app logic and business features.

Rails has enhanced developer productivity and made it significantly easier to design Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), app prototypes, and startup apps, helping improve development speed, accessibility, and cost.

What Is the Demand for Ruby on Rails Freelance Developers?

Although some think that Ruby on Rails is slowing down in popularity and usage, it remains one of the most competitive skill bases and is something hiring managers prioritize when taking on developers. As a quick comparison, here’s a list of metrics showing current project vacancies for Ruby on Rails developers against other coding languages and app development frameworks:

  • Ruby on Rails developers: 7,591
  • Laravel developers: 975
  • Django developers: 1,117

It’s also worth noting that Rails is a specific environment, and many companies mean ‘Rails’ rather than ‘Ruby,’ and vice versa!

Why Choose Ruby on Rails for Your Business App?

Ruby may not be right for every commercial app, and a lot depends on the functionality you need, your budget, and your timeframes. However, there are some compelling reasons to consider Ruby on Rails, as well as scenarios where it is likely the best possible solution.

The “coding by convention” mechanism means that app builds are quicker and easier, so if you have a limited budget to spend or a rigid deadline to hit, Rails is your go-to. Many enterprises use a Ruby on Rails developer to design their MVP as a working prototype or a baseline to release an initial product and then have the time to refine its functions, presentation, and performance.

Another excellent plus is that the community behind the framework is huge, and you can usually find a professional developer fairly quickly. As a mature, stable, and hassle-free open-source framework, Rails can provide impressive capabilities in the hands of the right designer and give them maximum scope to build complex business features or application logic chains.

What Skills Should I Look For in a Ruby on Rails Developer?

Rails will not live up to its potential if the developer isn’t experienced enough for the project at hand. Still, it is an excellent pick for even beginning developers if they create a simple blog or API.

The essential requirements you should look for in a developer are:

  • Knowledge of the Ruby on Rails framework and using Ruby in web development
  • An understanding of the MVC architecture
  • Access to project management tools, such as GitHub, Asana, Docker, and Heroku
  • Validation and testing proficiency
  • Development abilities and experience in HTML and JavaScript
  • Database expertise, including SQL and MySQL

Choose a great Ruby on Rails developer, and you’ll have a fully-functioning app ready for testing in no time.  Additionally, utilizing the ‘type checker’ will allow your developer to be able to spot bugs of any complexity before you move forward with the release of your app. 

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