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Hire Hubspot Developers for Your Business

HubSpot is a software that provides marketing, sales, and service platforms and integrations to businesses. It’s designed to help businesses optimize their content platforms and systems to better attract, engage, and retain customers. To maximize all of the capabilities of HubSpot, it’s necessary to employ a HubSpot developer—a specialist that’s adept and experienced in the HubSpot ecosystem. A developer can perform several jobs to help your business grow.

Guru is home to several specialist freelance HubSpot developers who can help you make use of the software to develop apps, create websites, provide custom integration to improve your business, and much more.

What Is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a comprehensive software platform that provides a range of powerful features and capabilities for businesses. Hubspot can help with everything from content services to CMS development. Here’s a summary of what HubSpot can do for you and your business:


Manage your lead records, customer documents, and client communication through live chat and artificial intelligence-power chatbots. Hubspot services can greatly improve your customer UX.


Get access to marketing automation tools to aid in running successful marketing campaigns. This includes features like content management, social media management, and email marketing services.

Sales Hub

Enable sales activities, forecast deals, track business leads, boost e-commerce channels, and get insights from analytics to better manage your sales pipeline.

Service Hub

Connect with customers and improve their experience through a powerful service hub that streamlines customer service and troubleshooting tasks.

What Is a HubSpot Developer?

A HubSpot developer is essentially a web developer who’s an expert in using the HubSpot software. Specialists can create apps, build custom integrations, and develop landing pages and websites with a built-in CRM to help clients and partners grow their businesses.

How Are Freelance HubSpot Developers Different From Other Developers?

Any web developer should know coding languages, typically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Developers must have a solid foundation on these and be familiar with HubSpot’s own templating language: HubL (which is based on Python, but different). This is a specific language created to handle HubSpot and to learn it, developers can take training courses from the software company itself.

HubSpot developers must be proficient in HubL to navigate the HubSpot ecosystem and properly use their tools and data. You can feel confident when you hire developers with these skills and qualifications.

What Does a HubSpot Developer Do?

HubSpot developers are responsible for a variety of business tasks. These include:

  • Writing and implementing clean code

  • Developing CRM, apps, and websites

  • Maintaining and improving existing web platforms

  • Creating landing pages, emails, and other reusable templates

  • Contributing to the development of internal libraries, reusable resources, and processes

  • Integrating HubSpot and third-party systems

  • Managing custom sales, marketing, and CRM properties

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a HubSpot Developer?

The cost of hiring a HubSpot developer varies depending on factors like the developer’s training, experience, and location, and the project’s scope and technical requirements. You can hire freelance HubSpot developers for as low as $25 an hour to as high as $200 an hour. Junior-level freelance developers typically cost $25 to $50 per hour, mid-level developers range from $50 to $100 per hour, and experienced remote developers can go for up to $200 or more per hour.

What to Look for When Hiring a HubSpot Developer

When hiring a freelance developer, it’s important to consider their development expertise and experience, knowledge of the HubSpot ecosystem, and understanding of back-end technologies (application programming interfaces or APIs), along with any relevant certifications. Here’s what you should look for when you hire HubSpot programmers:

Knowledge of HubSpot

It goes without saying that a HubSpot developer should be an expert in the HubSpot platform. Your developer should have a deep understanding of the software and its various features, and know how to use HubL and CSS, customize templates and themes, and integrate HubSpot with other systems.

Technical Development Skills

A good developer should have a solid foundation in web development, with proficiency in basic coding and programming languages and experience in web development frameworks. You should also be sure your developer is an expert on Hubspot development.

Design Skills

Since developers deal with both front-end and back-end, they must be also skilled in aspects of design. Developers need to be designers. Your freelance developer should have experience working with tools like Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, etc., and be able to seamlessly marry aesthetic design concepts with functionality. Your freelance designers should also have experience with UX to ensure that your development project meets customer needs.

Understanding of Marketing Principles

One of the greatest benefits of HubSpot’s ecosystem is its ability to boost the marketing initiatives of a business, but this can only be maximized with a HubSpot developer who has an understanding of inbound marketing principles and how to align these with their development work. Your freelance developer should work well with your managers and marketers to reach your business goals.

Analytical Skills

Your HubSpot developer should have great analytics skills to be able to interpret web data in a way that informs their web development and design strategies. Your remote Hubspot specialist must be driven by data for maximum effectiveness.

Tips for Hiring Remote HubSpot Developers

Here are some things to keep in mind to help you hire the best freelance developer for your business or project:

Mind the Certification

Always opt for a HubSpot developer who has HubSpot certification; someone who has taken the necessary training courses to inform their development skills. This ensures that you get high-quality results for your development project.

Ask the Right Questions

Be sure to gauge the expertise of your freelance developer candidates by asking them the right questions before hiring them. Check the depth of their expertise, the range of their experience, their preferred tools, and their work ethic. It is best to hire a developer who is driven and has the web skills necessary to help your business grow.

Hire from a Trusted Platform

You can hire HubSpot developers from a variety of sources, but it’s best to find them in a trusted platform like Guru where freelancers are vetted before you can even hire them. Hiring your freelance HubSpot developer from a secure place safeguards you from low-quality work and unprofessional behavior.

Hire HubSpot Developers on Guru

Guru is a great platform to hire freelance HubSpot developers. You can browse multiple development professionals from all over the world, each with their own expertise and budget range, so you can find the right developer that matches your preferences and requirements. And the best part about hiring on Guru is that you can oversee your entire hiring and job management process right on the platform.

Hire a remote HubSpot developer on Guru today!

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