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How Much Does It Cost to Market on Snapchat?

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Thousands of companies are exploring how to use Snapchat as a marketing tool to engage with new customer demographics and create greater brand awareness to boost their bottom line, with costs from just $2.95 per impression.

Using a freelance Snapchat marketer from Guru is an excellent way to understand the right marketing tools for your business, create immersive campaigns, and ultimately make your socials work for you. Snapchat marketing is a creative form of publicity that puts your brand at the forefront, combining entertainment with advertising.

Snapchat Advertising Costs

The costs of running a Snapchat ad campaign vary considerably depending on the type of promotions you want to run and how you introduce these to your target demographic. However, in comparison to other socials, Snapchat offers great value for money, with average costs per impression of:

  • $2.95 on Snapchat
  • $5.12 on Facebook
  • $4.20 on Instagram

You can control your marketing spending using an experienced Snapchat ad designer to adjust your approach or the promotional content you use to improve your return. There are over 332 million users on Snapchat daily, so utilizing your budget carefully and ensuring you have top-quality ad campaigns is essential to reach as much of that audience as possible and achieve good click-through metrics.

Why Hire a Snapchat Marketer?

Like every social media channel, there are tons of Snapchat marketing functions. It can be tricky to gauge the right advertising method or set realistic targets to measure success.

Experienced freelance Snapchat marketers have hundreds of examples of past campaigns. They can walk you through the returns achieved, showcasing the potential options and which are best suited to your target market.

Examples of Snapchat marketing strategies could be:

  • Growing followers as a form of social proof and redirecting new followers to your website or other socials–a Snapchat marketer can show you how to generate a Snapcode and design shareable graphics for optimal engagement.
  • Funny, entertaining Snapchat stories appear for twenty-four hours and are great for simple snippets that add interest to your brand or time-limited offers or promotions.
  • The Snapchat Ads Manager has various products where you can create and manage ongoing campaigns, pay for impressions, and collaborate through your account with your Snapchat marketer.

Skilled Snapchat marketers can log onto your business account, monitor progress, suggest changes, or post new content as you go without needing to spend time circulating reports. When you hire a Snapchat specialist through Guru, you can review their skills and know-how beforehand, enabling you to select a capable professional who can handle each element of your Snapchat campaigns.

Factors That Impact the Cost of Marketing on Snapchat

Snapchat is a versatile platform, and you can deploy multiple bidding strategies, formats, and campaign types–reinforcing the importance of having a knowledgeable marketer to recommend the most appropriate options.

The online campaign manager lets you set goals with sixteen options, such as maximizing impressions, increasing swipe-up actions to buy your advertised product, video views, sign-ups, page views, and app purchases. However, some of the available goals are much easier to achieve than others. 

For example, enticing a follower to watch a two-second video snip is far more accessible than converting a prospect into a paid-up customer. Because you pay per impression, Snapchat’s goal-based bidding can be a useful strategy to ensure you get favorable ad placements and assign a price for each specified goal.

Snapchat Ad Bidding

Snapchat bidding strategies are something we recommend you discuss with an experienced Snapchat marketer before you make any important business decisions. Potential techniques can include:

  • Automatic bidding, where Snapchat assigns a cost per impression within your specified daily budget–the algorithm attempts to increase the number of times viewers respond according to your goals.
  • Maximum bidding allows you to dictate the upper limit you spend, within your daily threshold, on any one impression. 
  • Target costs allow you to define the average price per action that Snapchat aims for, which means you get a rough idea of how much each impression will cost.

The challenge for businesses, particularly those new to Snapchat, is that it takes expertise to comprehend how to use ad bids to your advantage and ensure the impressions you get translate into real-world sales. Freelance Snapchat marketers from Guru understand the algorithmic process behind the advertising service and can suggest the ideal approach to ensure you secure lower impression costs and higher returns.

A fantastic Snapchat ad can significantly impact your exposure, but knowing how, where, and when to publish that ad and how to instruct Snapchat to use it is crucial to success. 

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