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Hire for Audio Transcription Services

Audio transcription is the transformation of verbal and audio materials into text. It is the process of producing a written record of an event and thus making it machine-readable information. There are many professionals as well as agencies who provide audio transcription services to their clients on a regular or ad–hoc basis.

What Audio Transcription Services Include?

A transcriptionist may work on generic topics or choose to specialize in certain fields like medicine and law. Audio transcription services can be of three types – verbatim transcription, edited transcriptions and intelligent transcriptions. Verbatim transcription is an exact replica of the audio file as recorded. Verbatim transcription is mostly used for legal proceedings or movies, films, videos and commercials. In edited transcriptions, the transcriber has the liberty to omit parts of the audio file so that the meaning of the recording does not change. This transcription is generally used for recording speeches, conferences and seminars in text format. In intelligent transcription, the transcriber edits the text to correct sentences and grammar and irrelevant words or sentences are eliminated. This type of transcription is often used in medical fields or within business communications.

Transcription services may also include pre-transcription analysis – an assessment of the audio file for its complexity and quality. Other services may also include Trans creation, customizable formatting as per client’s requirements, and digitization of analog files.

Transcriptionists are seen associated with many law firms, medical facilities, content development agencies, market research agencies and even with Government agencies. Most of these transcriptionists work as freelancers and the best audio transcription services providers can be found on Guru – the best website to hire freelancers and get freelance job online.

When looking to hire for audio transcription services online, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Deliver quality content in the stipulated time.

  • Format the script as per the client’s requirements.

  • Review and proofread transcripts and records to ensure the accurate use of language.

  • Verify spelling and citations.

Qualifications of Freelance Audio Transcription Services Professional

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • Experience transcription in the required field

  • Technical know–how and basic information about the field

  • Excellent command of English

  • Ability to type at least 70 words/minute

  • Thorough knowledge and ability to operate programs like Microsoft Word and Express Scribe

  • An eye for detail

Besides the above requirements, it is important for the transcriptionists to be trustworthy and maintain confidentiality.

Benefits of Hiring Audio Transcription Services Online

Audio transcription as a process requires time and patience. By forwarding the transcription to someone else, one becomes relatively free to focus on other aspects of the business. Audio transcription professionals are individuals with high attention to detail and this helps in turning out crisper and highly accurate transcripts. When outsourced, audio transcripts are completed faster than when done in-house by an employee as an additional responsibility.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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